Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sam and Mike’s Wedding

Sorry it’s taken me so long to post the pictures.  This wasn’t my best photo shoot as I was trying to work with the flash and it wasn’t working as well as I wanted so I’ve had to do a lot of out of camera work.  This is certainly an area I’m trying to get better on.  Anyways on to the pictures….


Friday, January 14, 2011

Indoor Photography

I’ve been trying to work on my indoor photography.  I want to get more proficient with taking indoor photos when natural light or the ambient light is not sufficient.  That means figuring out how to use my camera’s flash without the flash washing the photo out.  I created a little paper device to reflect the flash up away from my subject.                                

                                 Flash directly at subject                Flash directed away from subject

030-1     029-1

Notice how you can see the flash lighting on the first picture and not so obvious on the second.

Here are a few others I took and played around with using some of my Photoshop Actions:
